Wine company “Badagoni” have won a very important case in China! On October 18-th, “Badagoni” owner Giorgi Salakaia, Nikoloz Gogilidze - chairman of the Georgian Patent Office, chairman of National wine agency Giorgi Samanishvili and advocate David Asatiani held press conference at the Biltmore Tbilisi hotel. The case was evaluated as an important event for the Georgian export further growth.
Let us remind you about the fact, that “Badagoni” is the largest exporter of Georgian wine to China. Last year, when “Badagoni” applied for the brand registration to the relevant state agency in China, there was appeared, that brand name “Badagoni” have already been registered by Chinese company. Most of Georgian companies operating on Chinese market today face the similar problem and it is negatively reflected on the product price, volume and the export related different issues.

“Badagoni” made the complaint to the court of the trade marks defence agency in China and demanded cancellation of the false registration. The dispute have been solved in favor of Georgian side and the registration made by Chinese company was cancelled, but it was quite long and difficult process. It is to be mentioned, that the efforts preliminarily made by the Ministry of Agriculture of Georgia and “Geopanent” have helped the case to be solved in favor of Georgian company. Among the works made by these state agencies is registration of names of the place of origin such ase “Mukuzani”, “Tvishi”, “Chacha” and etc. on Chinese market. Important role in successful solution of the case played also Chinese partner of “Badagoni”.
“This is a very important precedent. Several days ago The Beureau of Intellectual Property Defence of China, after 2 years, have announced the decision in our favor and the trade mark “Badagoni” is returned to us – to the rightful owner. The Chinese company, which had nothing to do with the wine business, have registered our trade mark right after our appearance on the Chinese market. We started the case and as a result of loyers professional work, support from the side of Georgian government and “Geopatent” we came to the fact, that we have won! This precedent is quite important for Georgian wine companies and for Gerogian business in general. This kind of violations can cause different kind of blocks in supply, that will negatively effect rapidly increasing export to China – we can say that is grows everyday, every hour.” – says “Badagoni” owner Giorgi Salakaia.
“The legal controvercy was implemented by the private Georgian cmpany. We have included many mechanisms in the agreement about the free trade that allow us to defend Georgian business and provide implementation of the legal issues in China according to the Chinese legislation. This is the first precedent, when we saw the result of the negotiations and we hope that in the future other companies also will have such a success”. – said the chairman of the Georgian Patent Office, Nikoloz Gogilidze.
This case was the first precedent among the Georgian companies operating on Chinese market. According to the chairman of the National Georgain Wine Agency and the chairman of the Georgian Patent Office this precedent will help Georgian brands registration on this huge market and will support the smooth export of Georgian agricultural and other products to China, that at the end will positively effect Georgian economy.